99-13 Touring, (except 09 FLHTCUSE4, 09 FLTRSE3, 10 FLHTCUSE5, 10 FLHXSE, 10-13 FLHX, 10, 13 FLTRX, 11 FLTRUSE, 11 FLHXSE2, 11 FLHTCUSE6, 12 FLHTCUSE7, 12 FLHXSE3, 12 FLTRXSE, 13 FLHRSE5, 13 FLHTCUSE8, 13 FLTRXSE2, 13 FLTRXSE2 ANV, 13 FLTRU)
Everything you need to connect the wiring on your detachable OEM or after-market tour pack! Allows for a plug-n-play wiring harness with quick-disconnect feature for easy removal.