Field of application: For Rigid Frames with 170 Tire.
Manufacturer: CCE, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 8, 55459 Grolsheim, Germany,
Designed specifically for wide rigid frames. Fenders feature internal wiring loom and a belt cutout. The ‘TwoTonHo’ has built-in fender supports pre-drilled for turn signals while the ‘OneTonHo’ has no supports.
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This is a tag management system for managing JavaScript and HTML tags used to track and analyze websites. Manage website tags like Google analytics.
Purposes: Statistics, Marketing
The tool is used exclusively to improve the performance of the website/shop and thus the user experience. The information collected is aggregated and thus evaluated anonymously. Google signals are also used in connection with this and a link to your Google account is thereby created.
Purpose: Statistics
This is an integrated map service.
Purpose: Functional
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