96-13 Touring, (except 96-03, 07-10, 13 FLHR, 96-97, 00-02, 04-06 FLHRI, 96 FLTCUI, 98-06 FLHRCI, 99-03, 07-09 FLTR, 99-06 FLTRI, 02 FLHRSEI, 04-06 FLHRSI, 07-13 FLHRC, 07 FLHRSE3, 07 FLHRS, 08 FLHRSE4, 09 FLTRSE3, 10, 13 FLTRX, 11 FLTRUSE, 12 FLTRXSE, 13 FLHRSE5, 13 FLTRXSE2, 13 FLTRU, 13 FLTRXSE2 ANV)
Large surface area helps to direct airflow better than other designs. Close the wing vane to guide airflow around the fairing for reduced turbulence during cool weather or open them for a refreshing breeze on those scorching hot days.