18-21 FLSL, 18-20 FLDE, 18-20 FLFB, 18-20 FLFBS 114, 18 FLFBS 114 ANX, 18 FLFBS 114 ANV, 18-21 FLHC, 18 FLHCS 114, 18 FLHCS 114 ANV, 19-20 FLHC 114, 21-24 FLFBS, 21-24 FLHCS, 23 FLHCSANV, 23 FLFBSANV
Move your stock driver boards outward 3/4 of an inch so you don't have to hug the gas tank with your thighs. The slight adjustment in placement offers a much more ergonomically friendly ride and alleviates heat build-up by allowing the hot air to get out between your leg and the bike.