18-21 FLSL, 18-19, 23-24 FXBR, 18-20 FXBRS 114, 18 FXBRS 114 ANX, 18-20 FLDE, 18-21 FLHC, 18 FLHCS 114, 18 FLHCS 114 ANV, 18-20 FXLR, 18-20 FXBB, 19-20 FLHC 114, 20-24 FXST, 21-24 FXBBS, 21-24 FLHCS, 21-22 FXBRS, 23 FLHCSANV
Please note that this is a discontinued item that is excluded from exchange or return.
Fork tubes in different length versions show chromed.