02-24 Touring, (except 02-06 FLHRCI, 04-06 FLHRSI, 06 FLHXI, 07-18 FLHRC, 07 FLHRS, 07-14, 18-24 FLHX, 10, 15-19, 22-24 FLHXSE, 11 FLHXSE2, 12 FLHXSE3, 15-18, 20-21, 23 FLHXS, 18 FLHX ANV, 18 FLHXS ANX, 19 FLXHS, 22-23 FLHXST, 22 FLHX , 22-24 FLHRXS, 22 FLHR, 23 FLHXANV, 23-24 FLTRXSE, 24 FLTRXSTSE)
Note: Fits models with OE saddelbags only.
Manufacturer: CCE, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 8, 55459 Grolsheim, Germany, https://www.custom-chrome-europe.com
Warning: Lowering the motorcycle will reduce ground clearance when cornering. It is not recommended to use this kit with shorter than OE shock absorbers. After installing this kit, check all clearances and the rear wheel clearance in the shock absorber's possible compressed state. If necessary, install a travel limiter.
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