18-19, 23-24 FXBR, 18-20 FXBRS 114, 18 FXBRS 114 ANX, 18-20 FLFBS 114, 18 FLFBS 114 ANX, 18 FLFBS 114 ANV, 19-20 FLFB, 21-22 FXBRS, 21-24 FLFBS, 23 FLFBS ANV
Note: Wide Frame
Field of application: For use with TXT Bobber Fenders.
Manufacturer: TXT, Stettinerstr. 4, 76756 Bellheim, Germany, https://txt-customparts.de
Covers the upperside of the frame rails underneath the seat. Clean and lean optic for the section under the seat!