18-19, 22-24 FXBR, 18-20, 22 FXBRS 114, 18, 22 FXBRS 114 ANX, 18-20 FLFB, 18-20, 22 FLFBS 114, 18, 22 FLFBS 114 ANX, 18, 22 FLFBS 114 ANV, 21-22 FXBRS, 21, 23-24 FLFBS, 23 FLFBS ANV
Note: Fat Boy ab 18-up, Breakout 23-up (5 Gallon Tank) needs Gas-Tank-End-Cover 926650
Manufacturer: Thunderbike, Güterstr. 5, 46499 Hamminkeln, Germany, https://www.thunderbike.de
Thunderbike solo seats are perfectly adapted to Thunderbike tank and fender configurations.