18 FXBRS 114 ANX, 18-20 FXBRS 114, 18 FLFBS 114 ANV, 18 FLFBS 114 ANX, 18-20 FLFBS 114, 18 FLHCS 114 ANV, 18 FLHCS 114, 18, 20 FXFBS 114, 21-22 FXBRS, 21-24 FLFBS, 21-24 FLHCS, 21-24 FXBBS, 21-24 FXFBS, 23 FLFBS ANV, 23 FLHCSANV
Manufacturer: Screws4Bikes, Sulzer Str. 116, 72218 Wildberg, Germany, http://www.screws4bikes.de
Replace the original screws of your air cleaner cover with the high-quality screws4bikes stainless steel screws.