You really can‘t stop Tobias Guckel from building great bikes: Even the commission to build one of Custom Chrome Europe‘s 2015 „Bolt On And Ride“ motorcycles resulted in a show-stopping Café Racer! Which is what everybody has come to expect from the world-class customizer whose shop is situated in a remote village in the Bavarian Forest. Tobias Guckel has created European Champions and always scored high in all competitions he entered his motorcycles, in particular his legendary „Seppster“ series, numbered I to „III“ so far. When entering the exclusive circle of CCE‘s „Bolt On and Ride“ customizers, expectations were running high – and not disappointed! „Speed Freak“ is a superb „Café Racer“ interpretation that has both - style and performance. But the stock base – the XL 883 R out of one of Harley-Davidson‘s first rubber-mount Sportster model years – was a tough nut to crack.
AÑO | 2006 |
CREADA POR | TGS Motorcycles, Witzmannsberg |
TIEMPO | 4 meses (2014/15) |
NOMBRE DE LA MOTO | Speed Freak |
PINTURA | STM-Design, Michael Starzengruber |
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