XL 883 N Sportster Iron 883 Sporty Spice

A stunning XL 883 that blows some pepper up your a**! Christoph Repp has been and still is one of the long time established specialists of the Franconian scene and his Harley-Davidson dealership serves clients well beyond his „official“ radius. His popularity is also founded by his many Custombike projects which have made him famous all over Germany. A well chosen new customizer for one of the 2017 „Ride Unrivalled“ bikes in co-operation with the CCE staff, the Wuerzburg-village team underlined its creativity and excellence with a superb 883 Iron „Sportster“ that hit the road in March 2017. April and May saw the bike „in Action“ on the scenic roads along the French Meuse river near Saint Mihiel and at the Drag Power Shop in Chambley/France. Almost exclusively on tarmac roads for dialing in the engine, but later the „off-road“ capabilities will also be tested! Not just from its conception, this is a multi-purpose bike that certainly can „spice up“ your riding experience!

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XL 883 N Sportster Iron 883
RÉALISÉE PARHarley-Davidson Würzburg Village
DURÉE2 mois (2017)
NOM DE LA MOTOSporty Spice
PEINTUREHarley-Davidson Würzburg Village

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