Ride in style with Thunderbike: Slimming down Harley‘s fat-tired Softail-Bobber into a cool Custom Ride. Few Harley-Davidsons ever had such a misleading and ironic name as the FLS „Slim“: While the term „slim“ arouses certain expectations in styling and look, the „FL“ designator signals quite the contrary. A low seated Bobber version that has its roots in the Fourties and Fifties, when the Panhead-powered „FLs“ ruled American roads. The task to „slim down“ the stock version came to well-established German Harley-Dealer and customparts manufacturer Thunderbike in Hamminkeln. Not their first entry to the „Bolt On And Ride“ bike garage of Custom Chrome Europe, but a special one for sure: In 2015 „Thunderbike“ celebrated their 30th Anniversary in business!
MODELLO | FLS Softail Slim |
ANNO | 2015 |
COSTRUITA DA | Thunderbike, Hamminkeln |
mesi (2014/15) |
NOME MOTO | Slim Jim |
VERNICIATURA | Ingo Kruse, Kruse Design |
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