00-17 Softail, (except 05, 07-12, 14-17 FLSTN, 05-06 FLSTNI, 05, 07 FXSTD, 05-06 FXSTDI, 08 FXCW, 08-11 FXCWC, 10-12, 14-17 FLSTFB, 11-12 FXS, 12, 14-17 FLS, 13 FLS 103, 13 FLSTFB 103, 13 FLSTN103, 13 FXS 103, 14-15 FLSTNSE, 16-17 FLSS, 16-17 FLSTFBS)
Nota: With all Lowering Kits, check all clearances prior to riding the motorcycle..